MyPond-Légy részese az ország legnagyobb kistó felmérésének!  

Hungary's largest small pond survey

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More than 800 questionnaires have been filled out! Thank you to all who have contributed towards our project!

You can have a look at the questionnaire HERE

What is our goal with this questionnaire?

With your help, we will prepare a garden pond overview map of the country, on which the ponds will be represented as many small dots, therefore the map cannot be enlarged to such an extent that the garden or the lake is actually visible, thus preserving your anonymity.

By filling out the questionnaire, you are doing extremely important work! Maps of this type play an extremely important role in detecting the density of pond networks, and are also useful for general illustrations and communication tasks.

To carry out the analyses, we will also need the GPS coordinates of your garden pond. Our goal is to answer questions such as: Is there more biodiversity in garden ponds surrounded by many other bodies of water? By providing us with the coordinates, you are allowing us use the coordinates in creating maps, and biodiversity analyses.

Data collected from your garden pond will be provided back to you. The date will include water quality, and the living organisms found within your pond.

For more information about this project, or about garden ponds in general, follow our constantly expanding website!

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